The PESO Model Collapsed the Communications Silo (For the Best)
Fun fact: I work in PR and content, but I have an identical twin sister that works in marketing and sales. Another fun fact: Twins are prone to comparison. People always look for ways to differentiate between two people with the same face. Due to this phenomenon, my sister and I fall into the “ultra-competitive” […]
Mastering Becoming “Media Ready”
One of the most critical services a PR firm provides is helping clients get “media ready.” But what does that mean? Essentially, it’s about being well-prepared to speak to the press. We help clients learn to establish the goal of the interview or interaction and get their message across quickly, effectively, and clearly. Today, we’re […]
Journalists Will Win the Breakup
I want to take a break from the Caster blog’s regularly scheduled program of PR tips and tech trend analysis to say something that I thought was blindingly obvious, but is apparently very confusing to a lot of social media executives: reporters are good, and we should support them. Last week was dark for journalism. […]
Establishing Your Pace: 5 KPIs to Keep Your PR Campaigns on Track
There are lots of ways to measure performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide tangible evidence of the success of your campaigns and allow you to communicate the impact of your work. But which KPIs should you be tracking? When we work with clients, we always make sure we are clear on their goals so we […]
B2B vs. B2C Storytelling: What’s the Difference?
When assessing each client’s particular audience, one of the first things we determine is who they sell to: are they B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer)? B2B and B2C storytelling are remarkably different, so here’s a quick rundown of what you need to know to reach, engage with, and persuade these two distinct audiences effectively: B2B […]