Content Marketing

Unlocking B2B Content Marketing Success: Strategies That Drive Conversions

If you’re responsible for overseeing B2B marketing, you know that attracting clients isn’t just about flashy ads or catchy jingles. It’s about crafting meaningful conversations and building relationships—and that’s where we excel. At Caster, we specialize in turning informative content into lasting business relationships. According to LinkedIn’s B2B Marketing Benchmark from June 2023, lead generation […]

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A Short Story About Long-Tail Keywords…and Why They’re Important

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a lot of fun…at least to me. It’s like solving a word puzzle using strategic thinking or, as I sometimes call it, “word chess.”  While good content is engaging, digestible, and easy to understand, the SEO side of my brain also wants to ensure it answers specific questions and provides […]

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Four PR Trends to Watch in 2024

As we finish a rousing chorus of “Auld Lang Syne” and dump out the flat champagne, it’s time to talk about where PR is heading next. In the last year, we saw speedy evolution (AI), scaling back (the bird app or whatever it’s called this week), and a multitude of shifts in how the world […]

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Getting Started with Your Business’ Cross-Platform Keyword Strategy

In the ever-evolving digital world, a cross-platform keyword strategy is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence. Unlike traditional keyword strategies that focus on a single platform, a cross-platform approach ensures your business is visible across various online channels, from search engines to social media. If you’re not exactly sure where to start, […]

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Get the Message: Five Easy Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing

‘Tis the season…for emails. Lots of emails. An absolute cacophony of messages filling inboxes like stockings full of gifts.  It can also be a time of strife for email marketers. In many ways, B2C and B2B are competing for the audience’s collective low attention spans.  I recently completed the Hubspot Email Marketing Certification and gained […]

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