PR Strategy

3 Areas to Embrace the PR & Marketing Overlap

There are times when marketing and PR can be pitted against each other as bitter rivals—competing for budget, staff, and priority within an organization. But, here’s a hot take: You don’t have to separate your marketing & PR strategies – and it may be better not to! Don’t get me wrong: On its own, PR […]

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“Does This Need a Press Release?” A Checklist for Evaluating Newsworthiness

When a company has something to say, issuing a press release is often the go-to move. It’s understandable: press releases are a perfect vehicle for quickly, effectively, and accurately briefing the press on significant developments. I’ll be honest – they’re kind of awesome, and they’re one of my favorite genres to write. While press releases […]

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Leveraging Awards in your PR Strategy

Between the months of November and February every year, Awards season in Hollywood ratchets up as celebs, directors, musicians, and costume designers alike wait to hear if their project has caught the attention of awards judges. The next Meryl Streep may be discovered in this year’s selections. From the Emmys to the SAG Awards, Grammys […]

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Layoff Messaging for Tech Companies

The pandemic hiring spree was a zero-interest rate phenomenon: We’ve seen over 300,000 tech layoffs in the past two years, and we’re on track to hit half a million total by 2025. Throughout this nonstop cycle of tech layoff news, we’ve seen every communication approach imaginable, from graceful statements to disorganized scrambling and shamefaced silence. […]

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What CES Can Tell Us About the Media Landscape for 2024

The year’s biggest tech show has come and gone: In the aftermath of CES, the Caster crew dissected our onsite experiences and overall media coverage of the show. We spotted some media trends that could have an enduring impact on the tech PR landscape in the year ahead. There is no denying that CES is […]

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