Public Relations

From Caterpillar to Butterfly: How PR Agencies Guide Effective Change Communication

My kindergarten class raised butterflies. We watched as caterpillars evolved from teeny eggs into fuzzy, striped caterpillars and eventually evolved into chrysalises to begin one of nature’s most impressive transformations. As the magic unfolded in a small, netted habitat, our teacher explained each stage of development. However, one of my classmates was out sick for […]

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Leveraging Awards in your PR Strategy

Between the months of November and February every year, Awards season in Hollywood ratchets up as celebs, directors, musicians, and costume designers alike wait to hear if their project has caught the attention of awards judges. The next Meryl Streep may be discovered in this year’s selections. From the Emmys to the SAG Awards, Grammys […]

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3 Social Media Engagement Lessons from Elmo’s Viral X Post

“How are you doing?” It’s one of the most loaded questions we hear nowadays. We often find ourselves at a crossroads, unsure whether we should respond with a polite but generic “I’m well, how about you?” or be truthful about our current state. Amid economic pressures, political turmoil, global conflicts, family matters, and personal burnout, […]

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Layoff Messaging for Tech Companies

The pandemic hiring spree was a zero-interest rate phenomenon: We’ve seen over 300,000 tech layoffs in the past two years, and we’re on track to hit half a million total by 2025. Throughout this nonstop cycle of tech layoff news, we’ve seen every communication approach imaginable, from graceful statements to disorganized scrambling and shamefaced silence. […]

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World Events, Social Media & Corporate Messaging: A Three Step Guide

When conducting media training, we guide executives through communication and self-regulation exercises to know what to say and when to stop talking. These same principles apply to corporate communications and social media in times of global crisis. The pressure to comment or post on big new stories, take a stance on an issue, or insert […]

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