
From Caterpillar to Butterfly: How PR Agencies Guide Effective Change Communication

My kindergarten class raised butterflies. We watched as caterpillars evolved from teeny eggs into fuzzy, striped caterpillars and eventually evolved into chrysalises to begin one of nature’s most impressive transformations. As the magic unfolded in a small, netted habitat, our teacher explained each stage of development. However, one of my classmates was out sick for […]

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Unlocking B2B Content Marketing Success: Strategies That Drive Conversions

If you’re responsible for overseeing B2B marketing, you know that attracting clients isn’t just about flashy ads or catchy jingles. It’s about crafting meaningful conversations and building relationships—and that’s where we excel. At Caster, we specialize in turning informative content into lasting business relationships. According to LinkedIn’s B2B Marketing Benchmark from June 2023, lead generation […]

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4 Tips for Getting Started with LinkedIn Advertising

If you’re interested in improving your brand’s public relations strategy, you might not know that a stellar social media plan can be a crucial component of PR success. Caster has a long history of integrating earned, shared, and paid social campaigns into our clients’ PR and marketing programs. Our deep knowledge of client industries gives […]

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Relevant is Better Than Viral

It has been a brutal year for the media industry. The last month alone has ushered in the closure of BuzzFeed News, MTV News, and bankruptcy filings for Vice Media. In April ESPN, ABC News, National Geographic, and Vox all cut their headcount. In general, as our team updates our media lists and follows up […]

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A Note From Hanna

In college, I had the dictionary definition of “public relations” memorized. Whenever anyone asked what I studied, I recited that definition—because quite frankly, without working experience, I wasn’t sure what public relations really was. I understood my coursework. I received high accolades and great feedback from my professors. For some reason, though, whenever I tried […]

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