Trade Shows

Exhibiting at CEDIA Expo? Here’s How to Prep Like a Pro

It’s the middle of summer, and while you might be planning when you can take your next beach day or which ice cream shop you want to try next, we’re thinking about CEDIA Expo 2024. The next 6 weeks are going to fly by, and you’ll get a notification to check into your flight to […]

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How Caster Supports Clients at Trade Shows

I love putting on a show. Weeks of hard work, late nights and practice beyond the point of perfection, all for that glorious moment where you share it with the world: It’s an electrifying high. No wonder that, once my high school theater and college a cappella days were behind me, I found myself drawn […]

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What CES Can Tell Us About the Media Landscape for 2024

The year’s biggest tech show has come and gone: In the aftermath of CES, the Caster crew dissected our onsite experiences and overall media coverage of the show. We spotted some media trends that could have an enduring impact on the tech PR landscape in the year ahead. There is no denying that CES is […]

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CES prep starts now

CES Prep Starts Now

If you’ve visited any physical retail location recently, you may have already fallen victim to the phenomenon known as “Christmas Creep.” This “holiday hurry up” experience is best summarized as seeing twinkle lights, wreaths and inflatable Santa yard décor hit the shelves before spooky season has even had a chance to start. While retail locations […]

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Leveraging the Momentum: PR Strategies that Maximize Trade Show Success

If you’re reading this, it means you’ve survived countless months of trade shows. Congratulations! I hope you’ve avoided burnout because the hard work doesn’t stop when a trade show is over – that’s when the real work begins.  Leveraging trade show results is just as important as attending the trade show itself. You don’t want […]

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