
LinkedIn Algorithm Update: Tips to Stay Ahead in 2024

Have you noticed a decline in your LinkedIn performance over the past year? If so, you’re not alone. A staggering 95% of LinkedIn users saw decreased reach, engagement and follower growth in 2023. Many users attribute this decline to the evolving algorithm, leaving them feeling out of the loop and struggling to adapt. In this […]

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LinkedIn Algorithm Update: A Guide for Companies (2023)

With 950 million LinkedIn members as of July 2023, the number of posts have grown 41 percent in the past two years. This summer, the LinkedIn algorithm update marked a significant shift in how content is prioritized and displayed on the platform. These changes aim to foster meaningful interactions, prioritize connections, and highlight expert advice […]

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4 Tips for Getting Started with LinkedIn Advertising

If you’re interested in improving your brand’s public relations strategy, you might not know that a stellar social media plan can be a crucial component of PR success. Caster has a long history of integrating earned, shared, and paid social campaigns into our clients’ PR and marketing programs. Our deep knowledge of client industries gives […]

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LinkedIn Algorithm Updates

5 LinkedIn Algorithm Updates

I’m often asked about the LinkedIn algorithm and what it means for my clients’ company pages. Today, I’m going to share what I’ve learned about the algorithm and its recent updates from research, reading, and a lot of A/B testing. Then I’m going to share a very new, very hot little trick that LinkedIn just […]

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A Note From Hanna

In college, I had the dictionary definition of “public relations” memorized. Whenever anyone asked what I studied, I recited that definition—because quite frankly, without working experience, I wasn’t sure what public relations really was. I understood my coursework. I received high accolades and great feedback from my professors. For some reason, though, whenever I tried […]

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