PR Strategy

The Double-Sided Coin of Going In-House for PR

I can probably guess what you are thinking when you read this blog title – an agency person is going to exhaustively list why it’s not a good idea to take my public relations activities in house. But that guess would be wrong. Here’s the thing, I’ve been on both sides of the table. I’ve […]

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4 Tips for Getting Started with LinkedIn Advertising

If you’re interested in improving your brand’s public relations strategy, you might not know that a stellar social media plan can be a crucial component of PR success. Caster has a long history of integrating earned, shared, and paid social campaigns into our clients’ PR and marketing programs. Our deep knowledge of client industries gives […]

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Brand Launch Laundry List

The Brand Launch Laundry List

Our clients span the whole business lifecycle. At one end of the spectrum, we have category-making clients like Crestron and Hunter Douglas with established messaging, brand recognition, and well-understood technology. On the other end are fledgling startups with, well, none of those things. Many clients come to us in stealth mode for our seasoned expertise […]

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Relevant is Better Than Viral

It has been a brutal year for the media industry. The last month alone has ushered in the closure of BuzzFeed News, MTV News, and bankruptcy filings for Vice Media. In April ESPN, ABC News, National Geographic, and Vox all cut their headcount. In general, as our team updates our media lists and follows up […]

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Blogging with Purpose: Building Relationships and Boosting Visibility

Last week, a client asked me if their company should have a blog. That’s the wrong question. The better question is “What are my communications goals, and can a blog help advance them?” Me in 99% of content strategy discussions – via GIPHY Though it might not always seem like it, Caster doesn’t produce this blog […]

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