3 Areas to Embrace the PR & Marketing Overlap

There are times when marketing and PR can be pitted against each other as bitter rivals—competing for budget, staff, and priority within an organization. But, here’s a hot take: You don’t have to separate your marketing & PR strategies – and it may be better not to! Don’t get me wrong: On its own, PR […]

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How Caster Supports Clients at Trade Shows

I love putting on a show. Weeks of hard work, late nights and practice beyond the point of perfection, all for that glorious moment where you share it with the world: It’s an electrifying high. No wonder that, once my high school theater and college a cappella days were behind me, I found myself drawn […]

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What CES Can Tell Us About the Media Landscape for 2024

The year’s biggest tech show has come and gone: In the aftermath of CES, the Caster crew dissected our onsite experiences and overall media coverage of the show. We spotted some media trends that could have an enduring impact on the tech PR landscape in the year ahead. There is no denying that CES is […]

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Four PR Trends to Watch in 2024

As we finish a rousing chorus of “Auld Lang Syne” and dump out the flat champagne, it’s time to talk about where PR is heading next. In the last year, we saw speedy evolution (AI), scaling back (the bird app or whatever it’s called this week), and a multitude of shifts in how the world […]

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How to Defuse a PR Crisis

At Caster, we have managed a fair share of PR crises over the years. With the right response, however, a crisis downgrades to an issue fast. We had the Kaleidescape account when the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) filed its headline grabbing lawsuit against the hot start up. The DVD CCA, at the time, […]

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