The Double-Sided Coin of Going In-House for PR

I can probably guess what you are thinking when you read this blog title – an agency person is going to exhaustively list why it’s not a good idea to take my public relations activities in house. But that guess would be wrong. Here’s the thing, I’ve been on both sides of the table. I’ve […]

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4 Tips for Getting Started with LinkedIn Advertising

If you’re interested in improving your brand’s public relations strategy, you might not know that a stellar social media plan can be a crucial component of PR success. Caster has a long history of integrating earned, shared, and paid social campaigns into our clients’ PR and marketing programs. Our deep knowledge of client industries gives […]

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Falling in Love with the Magic and Mayhem of PR

The Caster crew is full of tech-savvy, word-slinging professionals, united by our insatiable curiosity and our fierce dedication to our clients. Our passion for PR drives us. When I say PR, I don’t just mean press releases and buzzwords. PR at its core is focused on building relationships with the media—but it’s also so much […]

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The PESO Model Collapsed the Communications Silo (For the Best)

Fun fact: I work in PR and content, but I have an identical twin sister that works in marketing and sales. Another fun fact: Twins are prone to comparison. People always look for ways to differentiate between two people with the same face. Due to this phenomenon, my sister and I fall into the “ultra-competitive” […]

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Establishing Your Pace: 5 KPIs to Keep Your PR Campaigns on Track

There are lots of ways to measure performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide tangible evidence of the success of your campaigns and allow you to communicate the impact of your work. But which KPIs should you be tracking? When we work with clients, we always make sure we are clear on their goals so we […]

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