Avocor Press Kit

Series One Board 65 product only front

Series One Board 65 product only front

Series One Board 65 by Avocor wall mounted

Series One Board 65 by Avocor wall mounted

Series One Board 65 by Avocor product only back

Series One Board 65 by Avocor product only back

Series One Board 65 by Avocor in shared space

Series One Board 65 by Avocor in shared space

Series One Desk 27 Board 65 by Avocor back view

Series One Desk 27 Board 65 by Avocor back view

Series One Desk 27 Board 65 by Avocor front view

Series One Desk 27 Board 65 by Avocor front view


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Scott Hix, CEO & Co-Founder, Avocor


Dana Corey, GM & VP of Sales, Avocor


Embargo 9.8.21 8.30 am ET - For Media - Avocor Google Partnership PPT

Avocor is an award-winning global provider of collaboration technology that brings companies and organizations together to increase productivity and get more done. Designed with the latest in display technology and to fit the way modern workspaces, huddle rooms, classrooms and meeting spaces work together, Avocor displays offer a premium user-experience that is simple to use and set up. Avocor’s industry partnership ecosystem includes some of the most well-known and trusted collaboration technology leaders in the market today, providing a seamless user experience from setup to meeting time.