
Curate meaningful content and build your company’s Twitter following

Twitter is a tool that can be used to position your business as a thought leader within your industry. Businesses can develop strategies to build interesting content for their followers that will serve their overall company goals, like promoting new products or connecting with a prospective client. Whether it be sharing company news, inviting fans to an event, or discussing topics that are relevant to your industry, it is important to know your audience and post content that is useful and intriguing to them.

Engage Your Audience

Twitter averages 330 million active users per month, so your audience likely includes industry connections, competitors, journalists and customers. To better serve your audience, pay attention to the types of content they are sharing on their own Twitter profiles, and posts they are sharing and engaging with. Doing so will help you tailor content to your audience and grow your social media presence. Engaging with your followers through likes, retweets and direct messages provides the opportunity to move the conversation offline to an e-mail, adding them to your lead management system and on the path to becoming a new client.

Plan Your Content

Considering the wants and needs of your Twitter audience will help you better serve their interests and plan a schedule for posting content. Twitter posts should include a mix of company news, blogs, and live updates sharing your company’s day to day activities. Your content should also include a balance of relevant industry articles and maybe offer insight about how it pertains to your company, in order to cultivate a presence of thought leadership and position yourself as a resource for future industry news that your followers will find useful.

Self-promotional marketing posts shouldn’t be the bulk of your content, but it is okay to mix in good press and content from your website. However, there are other ways to self-promote that can create more engagement. For example, consider posting photos from your offices during the planning phase of a new project or out in the field at an event. If you are attending a big tradeshow and want to promote your presence, post photos of team meetings prior to the show with hints at what’s to come. This kind of content makes your audience feel like they are on the inside, keeping them invested and excited about what you are working on and its more likely they will come back to see more.

Keep it fresh

It is okay to share the same article or content more than once on Twitter, but mixing up the format of the post and sharing a new image or new quote for each post will make it appear fresh to your followers. When promoting an event, try to find unique ways to share the same information. Live tweeting from events or posting photos onsite at a project to showcase what your company is working on in real-time also makes for fun content that your audience will be more likely to engage with.

Consider what you would like to see in your Twitter feed, and what your colleagues enjoy reading about. Take those principles and apply them to your company’s Twitter page and you will likely peak the interest of future customers.

Check out Caster Academy for more tips on how to grow your Twitter following and cultivate your thought leadership presence or reach out to me directly @megannicole_pr with any questions.

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