Elements of a Case Study
A case study is a written showcase of work done by a company with specific attention paid to a problem that company solved, how they solved it, and what the end results were. Case studies are a powerful tool you can leverage to provide credibility for your business. But how do you go about creating one?
A case study is usually broken up into three sub-categories: Problem, Solution and Results. Avoid making these sections lengthy because people will be less likely to read them. Depending on how much content you have, target between 400 and 800 words for your case study.
The Problem
Use this section to exemplify the initial reason why your client brought you on. They could be having an equipment issue that you are able to solve for them, or they could be looking for a completely new system to solve a problem for them such as convenience, security or entertainment. Be creative, sometimes a problem isn’t always obvious.
The Solution
This section focuses on what you put into place to help solve the problem of the client. How did you approach the problem, what tactics, equipment or processes did you employ? The solution section showcases your problem-solving ability and expertise, especially compared to other companies. This is your opportunity to express your thought leadership and show why you’re the best person for the job.
The Results
Use this section to discuss what happened as a direct result to the solution you put into place. Was the equipment or system problem fixed? Was your customer’s problem resolved/improved? This is a key area for including a customer quote.
Testimonials and Quotes
Quotes will add credibility to your case study.
Ask your client about why they hired you, what it was like working with you, what the problem was, and how it was solved after the installation. Use 2-3 quotes maximum, choose the best ones and incorporate into each section.
You can also include quotes from your perspective as well. Those often are attributed to someone in your company who worked directly on the project or could come from someone higher up the chain such as an owner or President.
Think about the problem presented to your company – is it common or new? What are the side-effects of this problem? It’s also important to think about the solution and explain why you choose the methods or products you did and expand on if there were any other problems solved by your solution.
If you get stuck building out your case study, we are more than happy to help out! Simply reach out to us on Twitter.