Beyond the Tweet: How to Leverage Twitter as a PR Tool
For many, Twitter is just another social platform – a way to share your thoughts with the world and quickly mention something that happened in your day, at work, in the news, etc.
4 Things I Learned About Technology After One Year in Tech PR
March 28 marked my one-year anniversary at Caster. To say I’ve learned a lot as an account coordinator is an understatement, but I’ve narrowed down four takeaways of my first full year in tech PR.
Abolish Glossophobia with These 3 Tips:
Did you know that Glossophobia, also known as the fear of public speaking affects about 75% of the population and is one of the most common human fears next to those afraid of snakes, spiders, and heights?
Instagram 101: Tips & Tricks to Drive Traffic to Your Page
In recent years, we have seen a huge influx in the use of Instagram for business communications and marketing, with aspects like the rise of brand influencers contributing to momentum and growth for companies on the platform.
Social Ads: Measuring ROI When You Have Nothing to Sell
Marketing used to be simple: identify your demographics, describe your product or service, and create signage, direct mail, or promotional items. But, the times have changed, and so have the estimated 2.77 billion social media users worldwide. Now is the time to re-think your plan and incorporate platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn into […]