Social Media

3 Areas to Embrace the PR & Marketing Overlap

There are times when marketing and PR can be pitted against each other as bitter rivals—competing for budget, staff, and priority within an organization. But, here’s a hot take: You don’t have to separate your marketing & PR strategies – and it may be better not to! Don’t get me wrong: On its own, PR […]

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LinkedIn Algorithm Update: Tips to Stay Ahead in 2024

Have you noticed a decline in your LinkedIn performance over the past year? If so, you’re not alone. A staggering 95% of LinkedIn users saw decreased reach, engagement and follower growth in 2023. Many users attribute this decline to the evolving algorithm, leaving them feeling out of the loop and struggling to adapt. In this […]

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Keeping up with Platform X (Updated February 2024)

Since our last blog post on the X platform back in November, change has been the site’s only constant. We’re only a month and a half into the 2024 development plan, and the X team has revamped the user experience through an updated algorithm, potential features, and new tools. While the X app and site […]

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3 Social Media Engagement Lessons from Elmo’s Viral X Post

“How are you doing?” It’s one of the most loaded questions we hear nowadays. We often find ourselves at a crossroads, unsure whether we should respond with a polite but generic “I’m well, how about you?” or be truthful about our current state. Amid economic pressures, political turmoil, global conflicts, family matters, and personal burnout, […]

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Four PR Trends to Watch in 2024

As we finish a rousing chorus of “Auld Lang Syne” and dump out the flat champagne, it’s time to talk about where PR is heading next. In the last year, we saw speedy evolution (AI), scaling back (the bird app or whatever it’s called this week), and a multitude of shifts in how the world […]

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