Why Your Website Needs a Regular Refresh
Web design isn’t in Caster’s wheelhouse, but we do help our clients freshen up their content. It’s important to regularly update your website (and social media profiles) to make sure that both current and future customers who find you can understand your value. A regularly-updated website can help to improve SEO and distinguish your company from the competition.
A company’s website can have an impact on their PR activities. We use our client’s pages to direct press to client information and news; a good website can be used as a tool but a bad one can turn press away from your company, just like customers. If your website looks like it was made in the ‘90s, has broken pages, or has old information, your customers and media may lose interest or perceive your company as disorganized, or even out of business. For our clients, we make recommendations for housing information and resources for the press to easily find photos and press releases.
In major website renovations, it’s also important to consider how the company’s target customer would navigate the site and what they would look for so we can place the information front-and-center. For general updates, it’s important to refresh the information that can become outdated easily or the content on the most-visited pages.
Frequent updates are also important for SEO to properly place your website against competition in searches so new customers can find you. Potential new customers will most likely visit your Facebook Page or website first from search, so both have to be active and updated so that it can best represent your business. Updates every two to three months can make the difference in the impression that it makes for new visitors – it’s amazing how quickly information can get updated. Aside from just refreshing the information that’s on the site, you should consider adding the new services, events, promotions, and etc. that you’re offering, to make sure that they are front-and-center.
Then one to two times per year, you can evaluate whether edits to your page and navigation need to be made, based on the traffic, clicks, and page views that your site is getting. Creative photo configurations and dropdown menus will to make your services, case studies, testimonials, and more stand out and make a better impression.
A website is your opportunity to define your company, don’t let time detract from your company’s value and services. A simple schedule for updating – and working with great partners – can help keep you on track and contribute to a flow of new business leads.
Want to know more? Drop me a line on Twitter @megannicole_pr or check out Caster Academy to learn more about how to leverage PR.