
Searching for the ‘perfect PR partner’ – why boutique is better

If you’re reading this particular blog, there is a decent chance you’re currently on the hunt for a public relations partner and you’re here doing your homework on Caster Communications. If that’s the case, we’re glad you’re here. We’re here to help, and we commend you for running this reconnaissance mission – the least we can do is provide you with some actionable intel to share with HQ. If you’re currently looking into us to see if Caster Communications is the right firm for you, the best place to start is by meeting our all-star team.

Our website places a lot of emphasis on TEAM for several reasons and they are crucial to the way we operate. First, we strive to become an extension of your internal team. Whether that’s a boot-strapped team of one, or a department full of talent and different personalities. While on paper we’re an outside team, we want clients to think of us as “<enter your company name here> – the Rhode Island branch”.

Second, our effectiveness stems not solely from the top but across the entire Caster team. When you partner with us, you’re not assigned one single PR pro but rather, a tight-knit cluster of two, three, even four of us at a time depending on your scope. These client teams are curated with talent across our agency which means you benefit from the varied experience, expertise, personalities, and relationships that have been assembled to help you rise above the noise. And, as an added bonus, we are constantly updating and sharing knowledge sharing across the full Caster team to ensure we maximize every opportunity possible for our clients. A prime example of the benefits of going boutique comes from the ideas we generate and bounce off each other to optimize coverage opportunities for our clients.

Our focus on teamwork and becoming an extension of your team and resources is our response to every “what to look for in a PR firm” article that’s out there. In so many words, each of these articles suggests you find a PR firm that’s a fit for your goals and what you’re looking to accomplish. We couldn’t agree more and, at the end of the day, we’re just as invested in the results we provide for our clients as they are. To put it in our own words, “we give a damn” and that’s not always so easy to come by.

The second piece of advice any “what to look for in a PR firm” post is going to tell you is to ask to see the firms work. And to that we offer you to take a look at some of our work here. What can we say, we’re PR pros, we lived for “show and tell” in school because it gave us the opportunity to talk about what we were passionate about. The only difference between those days and now, is we do a lot more of it now via email and social media than we did then and the ‘what we’re passionate about’ part is, our clients.

To those who have been burnt by PR in the past, first off, we’re sorry and second, we promise not all PR firms are created equal. We understand more than most that PR is a big investment, and if it’s an investment you’re ready to make (or make again!), we’re more than happy to make ourselves available to learn more about you, your business, and what you’re looking to accomplish by teaming up. Even if you’re not quite at the stage where you’re ready to pull the trigger on dedicated PR services, we’d still love to hear from you. If you’re ready to work with a driven PR partner that prides themselves on prioritizing clients and frankly ‘gives a damn’ you’re ready for Caster Communications.

Peter Girard

Director, Account Services

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