
How PR Can Help Impact Your Bottom Line

Public relations can be a crucial element to the success of home technology companies. PR is about telling stories to build brand reputation and can help impact their bottom line.

Traditionally, PR helps develop a company’s reputation through various forms of media including print, online, TV and radio/podcasts, by telling a compelling story about a product, position, or idea to gain third-party validation and positive attention.

Brand visibility,

In the integration business, you can use a media relationship at a top technology magazine to place a ghost-written piece by yourself, the company CEO, or other spokesperson on a relevant industry topic. Doing so enhances the visibility of the company, by getting its name and brand in front of the readers, which contributes to increasing the company’s credibility as an expert in the space. Over time, articles in industry or even regional publications can create brand recognition, which can eventually translate into more customers. Leveraging relationships, ideas and strategic messaging, PR earns publicity without spending ad dollars.

Credibility, and

Unlike marketing or advertising, PR doesn’t always require ad dollars to place sales-focused messaging in front of your target audience. Public relations shares your story with credibility, as it’s written by the publication as an editorial piece on a topic relevant to your business. PR pros know how to craft story angles about their clients or companies to earn media coverage that’s newsworthy. For home technology companies, especially those without big ad budgets, PR is a way to get in front of new and current customers in a credible way.

Meaningful brand stories,

For home technology professionals, PR helps to differentiate the company’s best practices, expertise in certain areas, customer service, and other attributes against competitors. This is done through meaningful stories: whether a spotlight on a recent project, an event at your showroom, insight from your spokesperson, recent problematic installations that your company solved, and etc. The key to getting it in the pages of CE Pro or Residential Systems is finding a way to make your story and projects relevant for their audience, and newsworthy. Did you figure out a new installation method or a better way to approach a scope of work? Share expertise, opinions, and stories that are newsworthy to be featured in the news.

….Without breaking the bank.

When adding PR to your company’s business strategy, first consider starting small. Basic tools can help you manage writing a few case studies, getting started with a few interviews, and getting started on social media to connect with and attract customers. A PR program can be started with a few hours a week, without ad dollars. It’s based on interviews, content, and news, and, if done correctly, doesn’t need additional ad dollars when starting out. Of course, advertising can complement editorial, but integration companies can get started with a few stories to get their brand noticed.

Learning how to put your company in the news through PR tactics is easier than ever with Caster Academy – an online training portal designed specifically for home technology professionals to create their brand story, write press releases, and get started on social media. Learn more about courses and sign up here:

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